Become an Advocate
The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition is a public-private partnership (and a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization) that promotes the use of clean, and alternative American transportation fuels for homeland security and improved air quality. This coalition is one of nearly 100 coalitions around the country. DOE created Clean Cities in 1993 to provide informational, technical, and financial resources to EPAct-regulated fleets and voluntary adopters of alternative fuels and vehicles. Since its inception in 1993, Clean Cities and its stakeholders have displaced more than 2 billion gallons of petroleum.
To help promote equitable access to clean transportation energy, please join us as a sponsor of GWRCCC’s mission.
Your company /organization will have the opportunity to help further the mission of GWRCCC, connect and partner with other companies/organizations that share the common mission to use clean and alternative American transportation fuels that result in improved air quality, and take advantage of resources from this community.
Please review our Annual Sponsorship Benefits information package. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact or call (202) 671-1580.