GWRCCC Monthly Update In the D.C. Area

A Message from the Executive Director

It’s hard to believe that we are in the last days of summer. There are a few months left in the year, and GWRCCC is committed to getting more things done. We are pushing for more local, state and federal investments in clean energy and transportation that will improve our environment, grow businesses and create good jobs.

Funding News-Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) with the GWRCCC, recently won a $3.9 million grant from the federal overnment to deploy EV Charging Stations in Prince George’s County, Maryland and Northern Virginia. GWRCCC will provide workforce development and community engagement services for the project. The project will focus on deploying EV charging stations in historically disadvantaged and underserved areas in the region.

Fleet News-GWRCCC will host quarterly Lunch & Learn events for Fleet Staff at various locations across the region. The first Lunch and Learn will be held on Thursday, September 19th at Noon to 1: 30 pm at the DC Fleet Office, 1735 15 th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, with a focus on Fleet Electrification and Biodiesel. Also, in October 2024, GWRCCC will launch our quarterly newsletter “Just for Fleets.” This publication will provide cutting-edge and invaluable information for fleet leaders, staff and other industry professionals.

Office Move & Growth-
In the next few months, GWRCCC will be moving its main office to
899 North Capitol Street, NE,
Washington, DC.

Additionally, with support from a U.S. DOE grant, GWRCCC is expanding its services in Northern Virginia that will be supported dedicated staff. Stay tuned for new initiatives and projects in both Northern Virginia and Baltimore too.

The GWRCCC Annual Clean Energy & Transportation Conference will be held on October 15-16, 2024. The first day is virtual, and the second day will be held at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. Over 15 industry leaders will be recognized at the GWRCCC Awards Luncheon on October 16 th . The conference agenda includes excellent training for fleet staff, policy and industry panels, vehicle display and showcase, reception, vendors, and over 50 different speakers. There are sponsorship, souvenir journal ad, exhibitor, and opportunities to display vehicles for the GWRCCC Conference, please call the office at 202-671-1580 or email me at Register Today!


Antoine M. Thompson

CEO/Executive Director

Click on image to be directed to the newsletter

A Message from the

Executive Director

It’s hard to believe that it’s August! Fortunately, your team at GWRCCC is working diligently turning up the heat on projects, securing funding, and leading the way in advocacy for our members and the communities that we serve. In the last month we celebrated victories on helping our partners secure funding for transit buses powered by electricity.

GWRCCC is actively working to deploy biodiesel and EV charging at local fueling stations. Since January 2024, GWRCCC hosted 6 virtual and in-person meetings with industry leaders to discuss the funding opportunities and benefits of local public and private gas station owners to offer biodiesel and EV charging stations. Recently, Sheetz opened a new fueling station in Bowie, Maryland that offers gas, EV charging, ethanol, and diesel (hopefully biodiesel soon). There are hundreds of gas stations in the DMV, together let’s push to have them offer more alternative fuels. Did you know that a significant number of

EV chargers, hydrogen, renewable, and biodiesel are purchased and used in California? Wow! We have a lot of work to do to catch up with California!

Thank you to all of the employers that participated in the First Annual GWRCCC Job Fair in Baltimore on July 30th. GWRCCC, our members, and stakeholders are working hard to create jobs and help people get green collar, clean energy, and transportation jobs. On another note, GWRCCC will hold our Annual Conference & Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. You will not want to miss this event! You can register today at


Antoine M Thompson

CEO/Executive Director


Click on image to be directed to the newsletter

A Message from the

Executive Director

I would like to start by saying Thank You to the GWRCCC staff, consultants, interns, Board Members, members, volunteers, sponsors, Committee (Pedro Leyton (Parts Authority), Jill Hamilton (SESI), Luis MacDonald (Auto FlexFleet), Kim Harden, Dianne Little, and Ron Flowers) for their help with GWRCCC Ron Flowers Scholarship Golf Tournament, held on Thursday, June 27 th at Oak Creek Golf Course in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Part of the proceeds will be used for college scholarships for area students.

Mr. Flowers served as the first Executive Director of GWRCCC and dedicated many years of his life to alternative fuels and clean energy and transportation.

Our Team proudly participated in the Annual DC Touch Truck event held on June 1 st at RFK Stadium, more than 8,000 people attended. GWRCCC engaged with community members and promoted many of our programs like our DERA vehicle project with DC Water. We also hosted a very successful Environmental Justice Summit at Howard University, with local, regional and national speakers and stakeholders.

Please do not forget to save the date for the GWRCCC Annual Clean Energy & Transportation Conference and Expo, October 15-16, 2024. There will be over 50 speakers, exhibitors, vehicles on display, top industry leaders, government officials and much more. Register at

Finally, there are lots of funding opportunities available from the public and private sectors. GWRCCC is here to help you secure funding. If you need letters of support, technical assistance, project management support, or deployment guidance, please call or email me at 202-671-1580 or

Thinking about how you can help GWRCCC continue doing the great work to reduce greenhouse gasesand emissions, create jobs and make an impact local, regional and nationally? Then become a member or make a tax-deductible donation Today at or


Antoine M Thompson

CEO/Executive Director


Click on image to be directed to the newsletter

A Message from the Executive Director

It is hard to believe that this is the last month of the 2nd quarter of 2024! The good news is that we have 7 more months to get things gone. Let’s make more things happen

In case you missed it, the 2024 ACT Expo recently held in Las Vegas was truly amazing with over 12,000 attendees from the clean transportation industry.  I had the opportunity to drive a couple of vehicles, attend a number of workshops, support some of the GWRCCC members like Geo Murickan of Pioneer eMobility and many others.

Congratulations to Prince George’s County Public Schools, DC Public Schools, Baltimore County Public Schools for securing over $25 million dollars in funding from the U. S. EPA Clean School Bus Program. GWRCCC is proud to have supported many of these applications for funding. The last three years our organization has provided technical assistance, coordinated electric school bus ride and drives and hosted more than a dozen workshops, webinars and forums on electric school buses.  Additionally, GWRCCC recently was on the winning team for an Equitable Electric School Bus Academy grant with WRI and over 10 other Clean Cities and Communities organizations from across the country from the U.S. Department of Energy.

There are a number of major funding announcements included in this month’s newsletter.  Please reach out to GWRCCC for letters of support for your projects and funding applications. For up to the minute industry news, business and funding opportunities, become a dues paying member to receive the weekly Press Review at

Lastly, Happy Father’s Day and congratulations to all graduates from various schools, colleges and training programs.  See you at the GWRCCC’s Environmental, Energy and Transportation Summit on June 20th and the GWRCCC Ron Flowers Golf Tournament on June 27th!


Antoine M Thompson

CEO & Executive Director


Click on image to be directed to the newsletter

A Message from the Executive Director

I am so happy to report that GWRCCC had an amazing and very productive series of initiatives in April. I would like to thank our speakers that participated in the Earth Day panel. We enjoyed volunteering at two community cleanups in DC and Forestville, Maryland. Also, we greatly appreciate the organizations that participated in the Clean Fuel Vehicle Showcase outside of the Washington Nationals Stadium.

I would like to wish all moms a Happy Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to register today for the GWRCCC Ron Flowers Golf Tournament on June 27, 2024 at


Antoine M Thompson
CEO & Executive Director

GWRCCC April Newsletter banner

Click on photo to be directed to full newsletter
A Message from the Executive Director

I would like to thank everyone that attended the GWRCCC Kick Off and Reception in Baltimore. We are excited about the opportunity to expand education and outreach efforts in the City of Baltimore. On behalf of the GWRCCC Board of Directors and Staff, our prayers are with families of the victims that died during the collapse of the Key Bridge.

Earth Day 2024 is upon us. Every individual and organization can do their part to improve our

environment. At GWRCCC, we believe in collaborative change. We understand that when we work with members and stakeholders with a shared vision, pooled resources, and good old fashioned hard work, anything is impossible. Whether it is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, deploying new and existing clean energy and transportation infrastructure and vehicles or promoting energy and environmental justice and equity, GWRCCC is committed to being a regional and national leader in this important time in our country.

This Earth Day, April 22nd, take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and make a tax-deductible donation at If you have any questions, need help, or have a suggestion, please feel free to contact the GWRCCC Office at 202-671-1580.


Antoine M Thompson
CEO & Executive Director

Click on photo to be directed to full newsletter

A Message from the

CEO/Executive Director

There is exciting news regarding lots of local, state, and federal funding opportunities. Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released grant announcements for projects related to ports, vehicles, and much more. Each week, GWRCCC provides information about various grants to paying members in our Press Review. When applying for public and private grants, always contact us for letters of support and to become a project partner. Our organization has over 30 years of experience in grant and project management.

GWRCCC would like to thank everyone for attending our Opening & Kick-Off Reception at the PEPCO Edison Gallery, especially Valencia McClure, Regional President of PEPCO. I would like to thank Jill Hamilton, President of SESI for helping to sponsor the event. Please look out for emails regarding announcements regarding GWRCCC events during Green Week, April 15-22, 2024.

In honor of Women’s History Month, GWRCCC will host an event, “Women in Clean Energy and Transportation,” on Monday, March 25th. Lastly, become a member and financial supporter of GWRCCC You can also donate to GWRCCC and help us continue to do great things that impact communities across the region and country at


Antoine M. Thompson

CEO/Executive Director

Click on photo to be directed to full newsletter
A Message from the Executive Director

I am beyond excited to share with you that January was a truly awesome month for GWRCCC. We were on 7 different winning proposals for federal grants from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Vehicle Technology Deployment and the U.S. Joint Office for Energy and Transportation. These projects will focus on EV charging reliability, EV charging deployment, electric school buses and much more. Remember to team up with GWRCCC when your organization is applying for local, state and federal grants.

In January, GWRCCC was active at the DC Auto Show where we partnered with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to host two panels on EV charging at the Washington Auto Show for Public Policy Day. We also partnered with VetsFleet on our 2nd annual reception during Fed Fleet Day!

We would like to congratulate Fairfax County Public Schools and Montgomery County Public Schools on winning over $20 million from the EPA Clean School Bus Program. Another round of funding is available for applications until February 14. Make sure your school district takes advantage of this great opportunity to transform your fleet .

While we are proud of our work so far, we know there is more work to ensure transformative change in the use of alternative fuels that save more lives and create good paying jobs for all. BecomeGWRCCC member or renew your membership today to support our work.

Finally, join us on February 21st for the GWRCCC Opening Reception at the PEPCO Edison Gallery. Happy Black History Month.


Antoine M. Thompson

CEO/Executive Director

header to the January 2024 newsletter

Click on photo to be directed to full newsletter

A Message from the CEO/Executive Director

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff at GWRCCC I would like to wish you and your organization a Happy New Year!

I am so excited about the prospects and opportunities for 2024 and beyond. The nation and region are experiencing unprecedented investments in clean energy, transportation, environmental and sustainability initiatives that will improve our climate and create new businesses and jobs.

Last year, GWRCCC was able to support our members and stakeholders in securing over $200 million in public and private sector funding for clean energy and transportation projects.  We must do more in 2024 to help drive investments so that the region can reduce its Greenhouse Gases and emissions by greater numbers

Together we can reach a cleaner and better future by advocating for legislative and policy changes that align with our priorities; rapidly deploying more vehicle retrofitting technology and repowering existing medium and heavy-duty vehicles that drag down our environmental goals and negatively impact public health.

GWRCCC has a robust agenda that includes opening a new office and expanding services into Baltimore, Maryland. I ask that you continue to be a member, stakeholder, and champion as we build clean cities and communities for all.


Antoine M. Thompson

CEO/Executive Director

December 2023 Newsletter header

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A Message from the CEO/Executive Director

It’s hard to believe that we are only a few weeks away from the New Year. Our journey for 2023 allowed us to help entrepreneurs and businesses grow, people get jobs, communities live in better environments, and assist area youths with opportunities to go to college and others with the skills they need to become Future Green Leaders.

When I reflect on the numerous public and private sector organizations that GWRCCC was able to help and support to win over $200 million in contracts and funding, and scale up their ideas and projects, I am enthusiastically looking forward to 2024.

Enjoy the holiday season. Stay safe and remember that you can make a charitable contribution at


Antoine M. Thompson

CEO/Executive Director

November 2023 newsletter banner

click on image to be redirected 

A Message from the CEO/Executive Director

I would like to thank our Board of Directors, members, sponsors, all attendees and awardees of the GWRCCC Annual Conference and Awards Luncheon, held in October at the Homewood Suites in Largo, Maryland. The event was a huge success! Together, we will continue to advance low to zero carbon fuels, implement and deploy transportation technologies that improve our environment, save lives, and create good paying jobs, locally, regionally and nationally.

GWRCCC is working on our 5-Year Strategic Plan, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey. We truly value your recommendations and suggestions. Your input will help GWRCCC continue to grow and meet new opportunities in the future.

GWRCCC salutes all of our Veterans and their families. Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday and remember to donate to GWRCCC on Giving Tuesday, November 28th at


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

October 2023 newsletter(click on the photo to be directed)

A Message from the Executive Director

I would like to thank the GWRCCC Board Members, staff, consultants, interns, members, volunteers, sponsors, stakeholders, speakers, and the public for the success of the Annual Conference and Awards Luncheon. Your presence gave us a great opportunity to share our endeavors and efforts with you. Your invaluable contributions to the event are very much appreciated. I hope that you enjoyed the conference and found it to be informative and inspiring. We look forward to seeing you again at the conference in 2024!

Save the date for Giving Tuesday on November 28th! Get into the giving spirit and put GWRCCC on your list for Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is right after Thanksgiving. Individuals and organizations give to not for profit and charitable organizations like GWRCCC. GWRCCC needs our supporters’ help to continue to make an impact in the transition to clean transportation energy. You can make your Giving Tuesday donation at


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

Header for September 2023 Newsletter
(click on the photo to be directed)

A Message from the Executive Director
As the summer comes to an end, the students return to school and college and the leaves begin to turn, GWRCCC is on the move making a difference for you, our region, and country. In August GWRCCC supported multiple applications for the U.S. EPA’s Clean School Bus Grant application, to help our youth travel to school on buses with cleaner air. Additionally, GWRCCC supported and participated in over 12 applications for funding with U.S. DOE and other agencies. We understand the importance of this transformative moment in clean and sustainable energy and transportation and are excited to support these funding opportunities.

Additional advocacy this summer included submitting recommendations to the DC City Council on ways they can accelerate public EV charging access at District buildings, train and transit stations. GWRCCC is also working to increase the number of biodiesel vehicles in DC, Maryland and Virginia. This Fall, GWRCCC will host a series of virtual and in-person forums and meetings on expanding access to biodiesel at local public and private fueling stations. Also, congratulations to SESI, Chevron/REG and Prince George’s County. Our collective efforts helped PGC Public Works and Transportation secure a Maryland grant for biodiesel in county vehicles.

We are only a few weeks away from the GWRCCC Annual Conference which will be held October 3 (Pre-Conference) & October 4 (Conference) in Largo, Maryland (about 30 minutes from Downtown DC). The conference will include workshops, signature speakers, a display of alternative vehicles, exhibitors, an awards luncheon, a Happy Hour, and provide training, business, and networking opportunities. Buy your tickets, souvenir journal ads (buy 30th Anniversary of Clean Cities ad) and call the office at 202-671-1580 about sponsorship opportunities!

Finally, GWRCCC proudly supports Hispanic Heritage Month, Yom Kippur, and Drive Electric Week.


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

(click on the photo to be directed)

A Message from the Executive Director
Registration is open! The Annual GWRCCC Conference will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at Homewood Suites in Largo, Maryland. Highlights for the conference will include the awards luncheon, keynote speakers, alternative fuel vehicle display, exhibitors, souvenir journal, green procurement showcase, over ten impactful panels, and lots of business and networking opportunities.

Register Today! Call me or Kim Harden at the office for information on becoming a sponsor for the conference.

Breaking News! GWRCCC will be expanding to Baltimore City and County, Maryland to provide outreach and education services. The clean transportation and energy in Baltimore require immediate attention, and GWRCCC looks forward to organizing and working with industry and community stakeholders and partnering with Maryland Clean Cities to make a difference and a brighter future for all.

I would like to thank Gina Carvana and Insperity for their generosity and kindness in sponsoring the GWRCCC July Happy Hour at Moxy in Washington, DC.

Thank you to Hon. Wes Moore, Governor of Maryland for appointing me to the Maryland Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs. I am looking forward to the opportunity to volunteer and serve the residents of Maryland.

Also, we pause to celebrate International Biodiesel Day on August 10. GWRCCC strongly supports the expansion of biodiesel stations and funding to help replace or retrofit the tens of thousands of diesel-powered vehicles in the region and across the country.


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

GWRCCC July Newsletter header pic

(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
GWRCCC wins big in June!
GWRCCC was selected on two grant teams for winning proposals from the US DOE Vehicle Technologies Office in June. The first funding award was for Drive Electric USA, which will help with accelerating electrification education, outreach, and deployment efforts in Washington, DC. The second award will assist with workforce development training for EV charging in the DMV.
Additionally, GWRCCC was also selected to provide technical assistance to Montgomery County via NREL to facilitate discussions for their electrification initiatives. If you are considering applying for local, state, federal, or private grants, your organization or company should collaborate with GWRCCC. You can contact me at the office.
We express our gratitude to our newest members, including those who are supporting us as Sustaining, Gold, Silver, and Business members. You may check out their names on our website at
Lastly, we’re counting down to the GWRCCC Annual Conference and Awards Luncheon, Expo and alternative vehicle display on October 4, 2023, in Largo, Maryland. Conference registration opens July 10th. Sponsorship and souvenir journal ad opportunities are available, call the office at 202-671-1570 or visit the website at
Also, look out for the members-only weekly press review with industry news and funding opportunities every Monday in your email.
Antoine M. Thompson
Executive Director

GWRCCC logo links to June 2023 newsletter

    (click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
GWRCCC continues to move forward with new and exciting ways to support and collaborate with our members, partners, and sponsors. Thank you to our longtime Board Member, Pedro Leyton of Parts Authority for being a major sponsor of the GWRCCC Ron Flowers Golf Tournament. Other major significant sponsors of the golf tournament were Washington Gas and the Clean Fuels Alliance America!

Congratulations to K. Neal Bus and Truck Center on winning the top prize two years in a row at the golf tournament.

Here we grow again! GWRCCC is on the winning team for new grants for Drive Electric USA and for workforce development from the U.S. DOE Vehicle Technology Office. GWRCCC was selected by NREL to collaborate with Montgomery County on the C2C program. If your organization, company, or government entity needs help or assistance applying for these opportunities or would like us to become a part of your project team, please feel free to contact the GWRCCC Office at (202) 671-1580.

We would like to welcome all our new members, especially our gold, silver, and bronze members which can be found on GWRCCC’s website (

Happy Father’s Day, Happy Juneteenth, Happy Pride, and Happy Caribbean American Heritage Month.


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

Logo links to GWRCCC May 2023 newsletter

(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
I would like to start by saying THANK YOU to the GWRCCC staff, consultants, interns, Board Members, members, volunteers, sponsors, stakeholders, speakers, and the public for attending our various events for Green Week and Earth Day. Each of you contributed to the success of the GWRCCC’s activities in April.
GWRCCC is hosting the Ronald Flowers Charity Golf Tournament, on Thursday, May 18th at Lake Presidential Golf Course. Part of the proceeds will be for college scholarships for area students. Mr. Flowers served as the first Executive Director of GWRCCC and dedicated many years of his life to alternative fuels and clean energy.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the upcoming GWRCCC Annual Conference and Green Building, Business, Transportation and Career Expo in October 2023, in Washington, DC. There will be plenty of opportunities for branding and market exposure for your business or organization.
As we continue to make an impact, it’s essential that more of our readers become a member and/or a financial supporter of GWRCCC at or


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

GWRCCC logo links to newsletter
(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
At GWRCCC we understand the connection between low and zero emissions vehicles and the health of communities, that’s been our focus for 30 years.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy over 25% of greenhouse gases and emissions come from vehicles. Asthma has a direct connection to pollution from transportation and is the #1 reason why students are absent from school in the U.S.
Helping families live longer, ensuring kids and adults miss fewer days of school and work, and families spend less on medical costs anchors GWRCCC’s environmental work with public and private fleets by championing the use of new technologies and alternative fuels for vehicles.
Our communities and nation depend on us to educate, advocate and legislate for cleaner fuels for all transportation vehicles so that no person or neighborhood is left behind.
Happy Earth Day 2023.  At GWRCCC, every day, we work to protect Mother Earth. Support our work for a better tomorrow for all by making a charitable contribution now at


Antoine M. Thompson

Executive Director

GWRCCC logo links to newsletter
(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
The GWRCCC Team joined leaders from across the country for the Transportation Energy Partners (TEP) Conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC from February 13 to February 15, 2023. We met with Congressional staff, key leaders from the U.S. DOE, U.S. EPA, and the U.S. DOT on funding for Clean Cities, the Renewal Fuel Standard and much more. I had the opportunity to moderate a panel on environmental justice as well.
This month, in honor of Women’s History Month, GWRCCC will host a virtual event on Women in Alternative Fuels, clean energy, and transportation. Women continue to play vital roles in the innovation of new technology and hold positions of public and private sector leadership to advance sustainability and climate goals.
Join GWRCCC at our Monthly Stakeholder Meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10am ET. This month on March 9th at 10am, one of our featured speakers is the Honorable Earl Lewis, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Maryland Department of Transportation. Join us to learn more about our upcoming events, projects, and local, state, and federal funding opportunities.
Antoine M. Thompson
Executive Director, GWRCCC
(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
Membership, Sponsorship, & Donation
Two months ago, a gentleman called GWRCCC. He told me that he attends many of GWRCCC’s events, and he would like to support some of your efforts. He went on to donate a generous $10,000 to GWRCCC to ensure that we can continue to advocate for clean energy and transportation equity and inclusion in the DMV. The work we undertake is not possible without your support. It requires contributions from our dues paying members, sponsors, and public and private donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Help GWRCCC grow our organization and make the region and the world a cleaner, safer, and more equitable place for generations to come! Make your donation or renew your commitment today by going to or
Equity and Justice Matters
GWRCCC is heavily engaged in efforts to center equity in our work, projects, programs, and advocacy initiatives. We understand that communities that are overburdened by the socio-economic disparities from energy, transportation and the environment need a partner, advocate, and a voice. From helping with funding opportunities, business development efforts for job seekers and business owners, to fleet manager and community education, GWRCCC is strongly committed to being a leader for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, regionally and nationally.
Congratulations and Thank You!
Congratulations to Mike Carter, outgoing Interim Director of DC Department of Public Works, and Board Member of GWRCCC on his recent retirement after 20 years of public service!
Great job to John O’Donnell, CEO of WANADA, on an amazing turnout at the Washington Auto Show.
Thank you to Clean Fuels Alliance America for inviting me to be on a panel on Environmental Justice at their recent Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida.
Lastly, GWRCCC pauses to celebrate Black History Month. We honor those that have and continue to make a difference in the U.S.
Antoine M. Thompson
(click on the photo to be directed)
A Message from the Executive Director
Happy New Year! May this year bring you and your family prosperity and excellent health. GWRCCC is excited about the prospects of 2023. This is the 30th Anniversary of the Clean Cities Program; GWRCCC will host events throughout the year to celebrate our progress and acknowledge the journey ahead.
This year, we will provide our members and stakeholders with monthly webinars that focus on education and training, business and networking opportunities, access to funding information and cutting-edge technology, resources for vehicles, and infrastructure development and deployment for the public and private sectors in the region. GWRCCC will do this while continuing to provide regional and national leadership centered around energy, environmental and transportation justice, and inclusion.
GWRCCC has a robust agenda for 2023 and a strong membership base. Dedicated, committed sponsors and donors will allow us to reach our programmatic and project goals and priorities.
Membership. It’s time to become a GWRCCC member or renew your membership.
Maintaining your membership commitment helps GWRCCC continue the great work of advancing alternative fuels, clean energy, transportation, and environmental protection and EETJI initiatives. It also helps fund our advocacy efforts regarding governmental legislative and regulatory matters. Visit to get started.
Sponsorship. Help fund the projects, events, and initiatives of GWRCCC by becoming a sponsor at
If you would like to learn about becoming a member or sponsor of GWRCCC, please email me at or feel free to call me at the office at
202-671-1580. Let’s make it happen in 2023!
Antoine M. Thompson
(click on the photo to be directed)
Message from the Executive Director
There are many paths to a cleaner and more environmentally friendly future for our region. From zero emissions vehicles to greener buildings to increased recycling materials including food wastes, it is strongly encouraged that public and private sector entities develop sustainability goal.
Communities, businesses, and institutions must develop short and long-term policies and practices that will enable them to have a positive impact on improving our land, air, and water for generations to come. There is no silver bullet to transitioning our regional and national economy to one that is more sustainable. Every idea and technology will have pitfalls from scarcity of raw materials to acceptance by communities and workers.
GWRCCC is available to partner with you and your organization on developing ESG and/or sustainability plans or initiatives. Our team includes some of the top leaders across the country and the globe on these topics. Let’s work together to make our region a better place to live, work, own a business and raise a family.
Thank you to everyone that attended the GWRCCC Annual Conference and Awards Luncheon on October 20, 2022, at the National Press Club. The event was a huge success. We are asking all our readers to donate to GWRCCC on Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at If you would like to be on our Giving Tuesday Team, please email me at
Antoine M. Thompson
(click on the photo to be directed)

Message from the Executive Director

The alternative fuel industry received a major boost last month when Congress passed, and President Joseph Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. This legislation is the largest federal investment in history that provides funding for solutions to advance technology and innovations to reduce greenhouse gases and emissions with the goal to protect the planet for generations to come.
The IRA designates federal funding via grants for public and private fleets, commercial and residential property owners, research, and workforce development. There is a tremendous opportunity to upskill or retrain your workers to repair and/or maintain vehicles powered by renewable propane, electric, renewable biodiesel, green hydrogen, and renewable natural gas. Check your email from GWRCCC, and visit websites such as,,, and for federal grant and funding announcements.
If your company is considering applying for local, state, federal or foundation related funding for clean energy, transportation or environmental project and/or initiatives, GWRCCC can provide letters of support, project management, community engagement and outreach, fleet and fuel analysis, and other services related to technical assistance. Please contact or
On another note, GWRCCC will hold its Annual Awards Luncheon and Conference on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at the National Press Club. You will not want to miss this event! You can register today at Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month and Drive Electric Week!
Antoine M. Thompson

August Images | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD

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Message from the Executive Director

I hope that you are enjoying your summer. The extremely hot temperatures have placed enormous amounts of pressure on the reliability of electric grids in some communities. Demand on these grids will continue to stress electricity infrastructure as more Americans transition to electric-powered vehicles, an issue exacerbated by the negative impacts of Climate Change and Global Warming.
Additionally, Americans have experienced abnormally high gasoline prices this summer, which has generated heightened interest and awareness in alternative fuels and related technologies. The U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Energy and numerous federal, state, and local government and agencies have funding via grants, loans, consulting, and community planning dollars to help reduce pollution, and bring new vehicles and technologies to the marketplace. We have listed some funding opportunities in this newsletter.
I strongly encourage your company or organization to collaborate with GWRCCC on business and funding opportunities (we provide technical support, grant writing, project management, and community engagement services and letters of support).
On another note, GWRCCC will hold our Annual Awards Luncheon on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at the National Press Club. You will not want to miss this event! You can register Today at:
Antoine M. Thompson
Executive Director

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from our Executive Director

I would like to thank everyone that attended the GWRCCC Virtual Spring Policy Series. We covered topics related to funding for fleets, climate solutions, equity, and the impact of vehicle electrification on the grid in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

GWRCCC hosted a ride and drive and demo of an electric school bus event at DC Public Schools. The U.S. EPA just announced $500 million for its Clean School Bus Program.

In May, Angela Alsobrooks, Prince George’s County Executive issued Executive Order No. 6 on Climate Goals. Many of the local, District and state governments and related agencies are advancing climate and sustainability laws, policies and regulations that will impact the public and private sectors.

GWRCCC hosted an EV Village at the DC DOT Open Streets and Anacostia BID.

Need letters of support or technical assistance for grant funding? GWRCCC often provides letters of support and technical assistance for members and stakeholders that apply for public and private sector grants and funding opportunities. We are available to partner on various grants or serve as a subrecipient too! We can help with your community engagement, grant reporting requirements and project management assistance as well.

We are in very challenging times as country. We pause to remember the lives ended- short to some of the mass shootings that happened in my hometown of Buffalo and in Texas. It is in these moments that we must provide caring, thoughtful, and strong leadership for families, businesses, and communities.

Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Father’s Day and a Happy Juneteenth.

Antoine M. Thompson

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from the Executive Director

The first half of the year is completed, but we have 6 more months to make an impact locally, regionally, and nationally on the adoption of alternative fuels, climate solutions, clean energy and transportation jobs, and environmental equity and justice.

Over the next few months, we will focus on helping members and stakeholders secure public and private funding for projects and initiatives. We will host the GWRCCC Conference, Annual Meeting and Stakeholder Luncheon at the National Press Club on October 20th. GWRCCC will continue providing visionary leadership by adding our voice to key policy and industry related matters and disseminating educational resources to grow our movement for a cleaner and more environmentally sustainable America.

Lastly, thank you to the Parts Authority, EVHybridNoire, AutoFlex Fleet, and K Neal Truck and Bus Center for the sponsorship of the Annual GWRCCC Golf Tournament Fundraiser which was held in June.

Antoine M. Thompson


(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from our Executive Director

      On behalf of our Board, staff, and consultants, I would like to thank everyone that attended our events for
Green Week 2022. GWRCCC hosted a panel on climate solutions, a Green Drinks Happy Hour, a meeting with the Biden-Harris Administration at the White House Eisenhower Office Building and
participated in a community clean up. At GWRCCC, every day is Earth Day!

  In May, GWRCCC will host a series of forums and webinars on local and state issues that impact clean energy and transportation. Additionally, on Thursday, May 5, at 11am we will host our quarterly Community & Industry
Stakeholders Meeting to exchange ideas, increase engagement and advance our various priorities. Additionally, I am giving remarks on a diversity, equity and inclusion panel during the ACT Conference and Expo in Long Beach, California. Join GWRCCC for our Annual Golf Tournament on June 15, we still need golfers and sponsors! On a day that’s dedicated to fabulous mothers, I would like to give a heartfelt Happy Mother’s Day! Additionally, I would like to say thank you to those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country this Memorial Day.

Antoine M. Thompson

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from our Executive Director

At GWRCCC, we believe in green initiatives and going green 365 days year. On April 22, the nation and world will celebrate Earth Day. Our coalition will host events during our inaugural Green Week starting April 19, 2022, which will include a forum, demonstration and ride on an electric school bus, a Green Drinks and Earth Day Happy Hour, and a community clean up. We hope that you will join us! Please follow GWRCCC on social media for more details and check your email.

Beginning in May 2022, GWRCCC will host quarterly meetings with Community & Industry Stakeholders to exchange ideas, increase engagement and advance our various priorities. Additionally in May, GWRCCC will host our Spring Virtual Policy Forum Series, the topics will focus on local and state issues related to clean transportation, energy, and racial equity. Free EV Chargers for public use are available from GWRCCC and the Mid-Atlantic Electrification Project (MAEP). The chargers can be placed on public and private property provided they are easily accessible to the public. For more information, please email GWRCCC at or

Lastly, there are several funding opportunities from the federal Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law that was passed into law in November 2021. There is funding for various alternative fuel projects and initiatives, roads, bridges, water and sewer construction, workforce development, community engagement and environmental justice. If your organization, company, or government entity needs help or assistance applying for these opportunities or would like us to become a part of your project team, please feel free to contact the GWRCCC Office at 202-671-1580.

Antoine M. Thompson

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from our Executive Director

This month GWRCCC pauses to recognize the accomplishments of women leaders in energy, transportation, and the environment, such as Hon. Jennifer Granholm, and Hon. Hazel O’Leary current and former Secretaries of the U.S. Department of Energy; Hon. Elizabeth Dole and the Hon. Elaine Chao, and Hon. Mary Peters former U.S. Secretaries of Transportation; and Hon. Carol Browner and Hon. Lisa Jackson, former Administrators of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In recognition of Women’s History Month, GWRCCC will host a webinar on Tuesday, March 22 at 11am to showcase the work Women Leaders in Alternative Fuels and Green Transportation are pioneering.

GWRCCC would like to thank everyone for attending our Opening Reception at the American Gas Association, especially Daniel Gage, President of NGVAmerica. Please look out for emails announcing GWRCCC events during Green Week, April 19-23, 2022.

I want to encourage our readers to complete our 30 second Electric Vehicle Survey, to become a member and financial supporter of GWRCCC at You can also donate to GWRCCC and help us continue to do great things that impact communities across the region and country.

Antoine M. Thompson

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Message from our Executive Director

GWRCCC understands the importance and urgency of the current moment for combating climate change, and public and private sector investments in alternative fuels and renewable energy. Our Organization will continue to host workshops, provide technical assistance, educate, and train our members and the public, and engage in advocacy efforts that keeps us relevant locally, regionally, and nationally. We will also share with our members and stakeholders’ invaluable information on grant, funding, and business opportunities from the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law.

GWRCCC is co-leading the Mid-Atlantic Electrification Program (MAEP) which focuses on installing over 200 chargers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Additionally, GWRCCC is a partner on the Mid-Atlantic Electric School Bus Experience Program (MEEP), with a goal of accelerating the region to transition to electric school buses. We are partnering with the District of Columbia’s Department of Water and Sewer on a Diesel Emissions Reduction Action (DERA) Grant to purchase and retrofit vehicles, and address issues related to environmental justice and equity.

Thank you to the Renewable Energy Group (REG) for sponsoring me to attend the National Biodiesel Conference in Las Vegas. I had the opportunity to speak on two panels, learn more about key policy and economic issues effecting the biodiesel industry. Jill Hamilton, Board Chair of GWRCCC and an expert on biodiesel grants and policies, organized an equity panel that included Tim Fitzgerald, Fleet Manager for DC Water and Sewer and me.

GWRCCC would like to thank John O’Donnell, President and CEO of the Washington Area New Automobile Dealers Association for extending his hospitality and allowing the Coalition to host multiple events at the Washington DC Auto Show. GWRCCC had in an exhibitor booth, and hosted 7 workshops, including a day that focused on Opportunities for Fleets Through the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill. Thank you to the GWRCCC Staff and consultants, and Board Member Luis MacDonald for helping to make the events a huge success.

Join us at the GWRCCC Opening Reception on February 9th! Follow GWRCCC on LinkedIn,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Lastly, don’t forget to become a member of GWRCCC and/or to pay your dues this month.

Antoine M. Thompson

(Click on the picture to be directed to the newsletter)

Meet GWRCCC’s Executive Director

Conservation and Co-Chair of the Senate Minority and Woman Business Enterprise Task Force. He authored the NYS MWBE Mentor/Protégé Law. He was a key architect of the Green Jobs/Green New York law. “The executive search for my successor produced some very qualified candidates but none provide the combination of executive, political and subject matter experience of Antoine Thompson. GWRCCC is most fortunate to have Antoine as its new Executive Director” stated Ira Dorfman, former Executive Director and current Senior Advisor to GWRCCC. “With the nation very focused on alternative fuels, green businesses, and green jobs, Antoine’s experience managing organizations, building coalitions, and leadership in government and advocacy is critically important to GWRCCC members and the clients, customers, and communities that they serve,” stated Anne Steckel, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of GWRCCC.

As Executive Director, Antoine will work closely with staff and the GWRCCC board increasing member and community engagement, growing investments in alternative fuels, technologies, and infrastructure for transportation by local, state, and the federal governments. He will also champion GWRCCC’s efforts or racial and gender equity in climate solutions, green businesses, and green jobs.

Antoine M. Thompson